Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Green Tea and Weight Loss - Role of Green Tea in Weight Loss

Green Tea and Weight Loss
Green tea burns the body fat in a natural way. It contains a chemical called catechin polyphenols in high quantity. This chemical works in the presence of other compound and increase the fat oxidation process in the body, thus burning the stored fat to release energy. It also increases the process of thermo-genesis and creates heat in the body by burning the fat and increasing the body's metabolism. It lowers the cholesterol level in your blood stream. Green tea prevents a rapid release of carbohydrate thus restricting the fast insulin release. This provides time to the body to get the fat burned. So weight loss with green tea is effective technique. View more information on effect of green tea to lose weight.  

Thermogenic effect was initially thought to be something caused as an effect of caffeine content. But it has been seen that green tea stimulates the thermogenesis process in brown fat, faster than that caused by pure caffeine. Thus it seems that the thermogenic attribute of the green tea is not merely due to the caffeine content. It is a combined effect of caffeine and catechin—polyphenols that leads to a greater effect of thermogenesis process in the body. These chemicals are seen to increase the energy expenditure throughout the day.

Green tea is therefore one of the quick way to lose weight. Click here to see more quick ways to lose weight. 


  1. Yes, green tea is good if we want to lose weight, but personally, I don't like its taste. :D And I've got rid of my extra pounds with a diet program called Ideal Protein, which was really useful! I'm very satisfied of my results! :D I recommend it!

  2. It is an advice to drink one cup of green tea every day after every meal.It is useful to reduce weight and maintaining body.
    Slimming and Diet Tea
